March 22 – April 20, 2025
The Handweavers’ Guild of Connecticut was founded in 1948 to encourage handweavers, spinners and other fiber artists from all levels of experience to exchange ideas and share knowledge, to inspire and educate, to stimulate creativity and to challenge their abilities in fiber art techniques.
The Biennial show, last hosted by the Lyman Allyn in 2015, provides an opportunity for the Handweaver’s Guild of Connecticut to exhibit its collective creativity, sharing with the public the depth and expanse of this artistry.
The entries in this juried show span the range of woven items, including innovative clothing, scarves, linens, rugs, wall hangings and home accessories. Come and learn about the Handweavers’ organization and see the work of its talented members!
Opening Reception
Saturday, March 22 • 12 – 4 PM
LAAM and Handweavers’ Guild Members Free • Non-members $10
RSVP to 860.443.2545 or [email protected].