

September 14  – 28, 2022 In 2002 I chanced on this moment in time which for me represented culture changing in front of my eyes, received art history becoming fluid, its meaning and impact no longer static, known art loosened from its foundations, no longer items permanently held in a museum collection.

America’s Instrument: Banjos from the Jim Bollman Collection

October 8, 2022 – January 8, 2023 Featuring more than 50 banjos from an unparalleled private collection, this exhibition presents the compelling stories and surprising artistry of this often overlooked instrument and its music. An instrument with African predecessors and singular American roots, the banjo has played an important role in many musical genres, including […]

Album of Flowers | Interesting Times

September 10 – November 6, 2022 The large paintings that form the core of Catherine Christiano’s exhibition, Album of Flowers | Interesting Times chronicle a year, each month’s panel juxtaposing naturalistically painted seasonal flora with a collage of content from The New York Times. The still lifes are placed directly within the context of 2016, the emotionally charged […]

Sol LeWitt: Artist and Collector at Play

July 23 – October 16, 2022 Examining friendship, humor, and collaboration in modern and contemporary art, with art from the Sol LeWitt Collection. The pioneering conceptualist artist Sol LeWitt (American, 1928–2007) collaborated with many artists and cultivated deep and lasting artistic friendships, acquiring a wide range of modern and contemporary art. Exploring LeWitt’s own art […]

New London Public Schools:
United in Excellence

May 20 – June 12, 2022 The Lyman Allyn is proud to present artworks by students from New London Public Schools in the Lehman Auditorium. Students, parents, teachers, families, and art enthusiasts of all ages are invited to explore artwork created by students, grades K-12, from Winthrop Elementary, Bennie Dover Jackson Middle School, and New […]

The Will to Change: Gathering as Praxis

June 18 – August 12, 2022 The sixth annual exhibition of Nasty Women Connecticut, The Will to Change, Gathering as Praxis, hosted at the Lyman Allyn Art Museum’s Near::New series, is dedicated to the life and work of writer and social activist bell hooks (1952–2021). Nasty Women Connecticut looks to hooks’ writing to make sense […]

RE/Building Community

Annual Exhibit of Nathan Hale Arts Elementary School Student Work April 23 – May 22, 2022 Since 2013, the Lyman Allyn has partnered with Nathan Hale to present student artwork produced over the past academic year. For this year, it was decided to present one large installation piece instead of individual works of art. This […]

Picturing Mystic: Views of the Connecticut Shoreline, 1890-1950

May 21 – September 4, 2022 The historic waterfronts and picturesque landscapes of Mystic, Connecticut have long made it a destination for artists and visitors. Painter Charles H. Davis settled in Mystic in 1891 and was soon followed by other artists, forming a Mystic art colony in the early 20th century. This exhibition focuses on […]

Locations: Recent Work by Marian Bingham

February 5 – April 10, 2022 Hills of St. Felix, 2015, oil on canvas, diptych, 24 x 48 inches each. Artist Marian (“Bing”) Bingham explores place, temporality, memory, and meaning in her work. Shifting between materials and techniques, Bing’s practice concerns formal artistic exploration grounded in observation, narrative, and allegory. Drawn to the natural world, […]

Unbeatable Women: Power and Innovation in the Work of Women Photographers

February 26 – June 19, 2022 Extended through June 26 Examining women’s rich contributions to modern and contemporary photography, this exhibition presents compelling photographs that address female innovation, power, and identity. Curated in partnership with Connecticut College students, the exhibition showcases the Lyman Allyn’s growing photography collection, augmented by select loans. The title “Unbeatable Women” […]

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